Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Missing The Place...

It seems like forever since Kim and I have been to the cabin. I left there late late year after running up to winterize the place and turn the heat on. That was a trip by myself and I'll be finally going back there the first of next week. Again, alone. 

Kim and I just completed a three week vacation out west to see some national parks and she has used up her vacation time until later this year. I know the grass and weeds are shoulder high by now and I have to get that water line dug and installed. A load of new gravel on the driveway is also needed. So I have some work to do and the bad part is it is going to be so hot. 
My son William and his family are running down to the cabin this coming weekend and he plans to do some weed-whacking and clean up so that will be a big help for me. My friend Rick is coming to Florida for the summer and might be riding with me to the cabin but I'm not sure if that will happen or not. 

It will be so nice when we can figure out a way to get Kim retired as early as possible. Then we can go there more often and the maintenance will be so much easier then.

So, I'm hoping things go smoothly and I can get back within a week or less. 

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