We left St Pete on May 24th and met up with April and Danny in St Augustine, Florida. They had a condo for a week and we spent the weekend with them. Another chance to eat at Saltwater Cowboy's!
We left there on the 26th and arrived at the cabin later than evening. We spent the next few days cleaning up around the place and fixing an electrical problem. Rick came down for a couple of days and brought a new addition to the place....an old Cub Cadet lawn tractor. I tested that thing out on some very tall grass at the top of the lane and it works great. It'll also come in handy pulling a trailer and hauling logs.
Kim and I finished up at the cabin and left for Florence on June 2nd. After arriving at her Dad's place it was pretty much all about the wedding after that. We did make some time to see William, Lindsey, Missy and all the grand kids which was great. We also were able to get our fill of Big Boy's, coneys, White Castle burgers, and other things we love but can not get at home.
The wedding was on June 7th ( 6-7-8, get it?) and it was very nice and went off without a hitch. Tons of pictures were taken by everyone. We left the reception late that night, ran back to the house and packed up, got a few hours sleep and left early that morning. It was a long trip home and we stopped quite a bit but we made it late that night.
Now we have Heather Deck's wedding on August 8th. We'll head back to the cabin on August 1st and stay there a few days before going up to Florence. We'll probably leave there the 9th and head home. We're looking forward to getting back to the cabin. A few weeks ago Sharon and Tim took a week vacation and went to see the sights at Nashville. They spent most days and nights at the cabin and drove into Nashville a few times. While at the cabin Sharon filled up the hummingbird feeders and sure enough they came back. Kim and I only saw one hummingbird while we were there and that was on out last day there. So hopefully they'll be all over the place on this next trip. I think that's one of Kim's highlights on our cabin visits.
So it's just a couple more weeks and we're back there! In the meantime, William and Lindsey and the kids are coming here with Nikki and her boyfriend for a week. Can't wait to see them. Then after they leave Katie will be here for a week and she leaves the same day we do for our trip. So we'll be busy with company and then we'll have our second vacation.
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