Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Nashville Trip

Gaylord Opryland Hotel
Kim strumming
You paid good money to hear this?
Now, she can sing!

This was our Nashville trip around May of last year. It's only about an hour and a half from the cabin. Make sure you go see the Grand Old Opry Museum which is in a separate building next to the original Opry building. It's the only free thing around there! It was a really nice trip and we'll be sure to go back.

Well, the weather in the northern part of the country is really going into a cold spell these next few days. Below zero temperatures in lots of areas and well below zero with the wind chill in some parts. We had a weather watch yesterday in dozens of counties in Kentucky as well as Indiana and surrounding areas.
After our past tornado, I'm always nervous when strong wind warnings are posted.

Leave a comment if you are looking at this. Family members can say hi to each other and even leave their comments about their visit(s) to the cabin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ken,
The cabin looks great,I hear there are quite a few deer in the area,have you set up a trail camera? It makes great framable pictures for your walls.Good luck, Bob Watson,Stonington, U.P. Mi.