Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Stop With The Storms!!

OK, enough is enough! More tornados swept through the middle of the country last night and are still happening around Atlanta and moving east as I type this. Dozens and dozens of them tore through Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and further north. Lots of damage in those areas as well as fatalities and injuries.

This is very rare for this time of year. I was watching the weather information last night and the diagram showed the movement of the storms diagonialy across those states. Of course, the area included western Kentucky and the cabin area. If you've read my previous posts about our tornado damage a few months ago then you see my concern.

Thankfully everything appears to be OK at the cabin and surrounding area. I called my neighbor Dewey Cranor who lives at the top of the road across from our property to see if he and his wife were alright. They had a lot of wind during the night they said but no damage. Maybe a few tree branches broken but that was all. There was damage to some of the surrounding towns but no injuries or major damage. It was nice to hear that he was alright and they were safe from the storms.

I'll still feel better after I make a trip there sometime at the end of the month or early March. Seeing in person that everything is fine will make us feel better.

My niece Joy lives in the Dry Ridge, Ky area and they recevied some damage during the night. Trees down, buildings damaged, no power for a while and the schools are closed today because of the storm. She rode it out with her two kids in the basement while her husband Jason was at work. I'm sure that added more stress for her but she made it through just fine.

So, enough with the storms and wind! It does make us aware that wherever we move to in the future we will make sure we have a basement or at least a storm shelter of some sort. Oh, and plenty of insurance!

1 comment:

LinS said...

Wow! Awesome pics! Are they actually from that line of storms or just random tornado pics?