Monday, April 26, 2010

Here We Come Kentucky!

It's about time. It seems like we haven't been to the cabin in ages. I know my memory isn't as good as it used to be but I can't remember when we were there last. I'd have to look up pictures to find out or simply ask Kim, who always remembers everything.

Both of us will be leaving for the cabin the end of this week. We are planning on meeting Jimmie and Michele there on Saturday morning. Jimmie is giving us a hand fixing the plumbing leaks that sprang up over the winter.

Will, Lindsey and the kids went to the cabin a month or so ago and discovered a new leak in the bathroom. We already knew we had a problem somewhere in the shower plumbing but this was a new leak. Of course this never bothered them. They are true young pioneers of the woods and I think they actually enjoy it when they have to rough it. 

Thanks goodness for the outhouse!

So hopefully we can get the problem fixed in one day and things will be back to normal as far as the plumbing goes. Jimmie feels confident that it will be an easy fix but of course being the pessimist that I am, I'll feel better when I see for myself that it is fixed.

Aunt Audrey is also coming with Jimmie and she'll be in charge of bringing food. Tons of food. 
It sounds like she has a half dozen meals planned for the 24 hour period they'll be there! Hams, turkeys, Thanksgiving & Christmas dinners combined. Not to mention desserts, fruit and who knows what else! But that's what she does, all without running water! 

Regardless of the plumbing problems, it will be nice to get away from St. Pete and return to the quietness of the cabin. I know Kim can use the break from work and she's looking forward to seeing her family. 

If things work out the way we plan and the plumbing is repaired quickly we plan on staying there a few more days and take care of routine maintenance and just enjoy the area. Hopefully Kim will get to see her favorite friends, the hummingbirds.

Later in that week we'll travel up to Northern Kentucky and meet up with April and Danny and the four of us will head to the Canada side of Niagra Falls. We'll spend two days there then work our way back to Kentucky. Then we'll see the rest of the family, or as many as we can squeeze in. We'll get to see Audra's new house which she is very proud of and all the grandkids

So, it'll be almost a two-week vacation then back home. I'm sure the grass will need cutting real bad by then. Everyone keep your fingers crossed on our plumbing work. That'll be a huge relief to get that fixed. See you soon!

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